I figured I'd stick that picture up here right at the top to kill two birds with one stone. You know now what JT looks like, our son, and you also know what I look like after three days at the hospital sleeping alternatively in the broken chair or on the floor with just one miserable hospital blanket and two miserable hospital blankets no showers, one meal, and a combined total of seven hours of sleep.
And I'd do it all again.
Which happens to be a very good thing, because if I have anything to say about it I'll be doing it four more times. Am I crazy? Probably. Will my wife agree? Defiantly. We have an arrangement already: Three kids, if one of them is a girl, we stop at three. If three of them are boys, we try one more time and stop at four.
Don't bother pointing out the illogic here (Sidenote: If there can be logic, then it stands to reason their can be illogic. Any arguments to the contrary only prove my point as they are illogic.). We know it's probable (even likey) that we'll end up with Four boys, fortunately, I would be quite happy with that.
I don't have much more to say here, JT was born on April 11th, at 9:49 AM, after 12 hours of Hospital Labor and 18 hours of Labor total. He was 6.5 pounds (6 pounds 8.2 ounces to be exact) 18.5 inches long. You can see how well my education with the metric system has stuck with me.
At present, he and the Wife are both sleeping, and I am typing frantically and annoying them both. Well, my wife for sure. The baby seems to sleep through everything, including movies while we're having loud dinner conversations and I'm slamming open and shut the dressers right next to his bassinet.
If I had his ability to block out the world I would be a FAR happier person.
I'll try to have more updates later when I've had time to think about what to write.
He is EXTREMELY cute! Sorry about your hospital stay. But it's all worth it, right?
If you want, I can download the pics and then put them over on Babies! Babies! Pets! Pets!
Sure! If you can figure out how to do that. It took me about half an hour to get them uploaded - and I'm extremely computer savvy!
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